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​​​​​​​​​​Welcome to Canada Corn Purchasing Department of Ingredion Sustainability

​Cardinal​ Plant 

REGISTER​​     ​​   

Ingredion Ag will be our new website for Corn Suppliers of Ingredion Canada Corporation. Please click on the "link" below for access.
 New Ingredion Website:

** If you're having issues logging in with two-factor authentication (2FA), please fill out this form to let us know. **
The 2FA program is supposed to register your device and remember it for one year. We are receiving multiple reports that it isn't doing that. Please let us know if this is happening to you by filling out the above form. Thank you!
Welcome to the new website for Corn Suppliers of Ingredion Canada Corporation. Please sign in by using the "Login" link at the top of screen. You must have a valid Email Address to log into the Cardinal Supplier site.
** When creating a contract, enter the tonnage & click "create contract" in the appropriate delivery month. You must then accept the contract on the next screen before you will receive a confirmation.
* Users must completely log off by clicking on the "LOGOUT" link before closing your browser to ensure you are out of the system.